Easy to See Channel Letter Signs for Healthcare Centers in Chicago

Channel Signs Illinois

Commonly called channel letters, these illuminated signs are a smart choice when you want to project a distinguished appearance on the outside of your building. Though they can be used for wayfinding purposes and other applications, they are most often utilized for primary site identification. Illinois Bone & Joint Institute wanted their venue to stand out, so they contacted Vital Signs USA for channel letter signs for healthcare centers in Chicago.

A Little about Illinois Bone & Joint Institute

The Illinois Bone & Joint Institute (IBJI) is one of the top providers of orthopedic treatments in the area with more than twenty locations in and around Chicago. From rheumatoid arthritis to ankle sprains, they treat all kinds of conditions. They help athletes get back to competition by repairing muscle tears and broken bones. The replace worn out knees and hips to keep seniors active. And, they assist in preventing injury and disease with their wellness programs.

We were glad we could help an organization that does so much to keep local residents healthy and active when they contacted us for channel letter signs for healthcare centers in Chicago. This was not our first time working with IBJI. In the past, we designed and installed a monument sign for their location in Des Plaines. They knew they could count on us to deliver for their new project, and we did not disappoint.

What We Did for IBJI

Channel Signs Illinois

Getting a good understanding of what IBJI had in mind for their new marker was the first step in our process. So, we met with them and performed a site survey. We learned that they wanted an eye-catching building sign that would identify their location. We suggested an illuminated sign, and once they approved the art proofs, we got down to work fabricating it.

The letters and logo have aluminum frames and an acrylic face. The channel letters are mounted to a raceway in order to keep the amount of drilling into the façade of the building to a minimum. Once we had the sign completed, we worked with IBJI’s schedule to install it at a time when it would not disrupt business. In the end, they were completely satisfied with the work we did.

We Have Solutions for Your Facility

Illuminated letter signs are commonly made of aluminum. But, the options do not end there. You can also choose from a variety of installation and manufacturing techniques. Or, you can make it simple for clients to read the name of your store, service provider, or building by utilizing clean 3D flat cut letters. They get their dimensionality from our standoff mounting. If your building is open after dark, we are able to install landscape lighting or spotlighting to make your sign visible at night.